What Is Iot
Today, we are surrounded by many devices that can access the internet, from smartphones, computers, smart TVs, smart fridges, and even houses. But what exactly enables them to do so? This is where IoT comes in. IoT stands for Internet of Things, and it is the collective name given to electronic devices and the technology that enables devices to share and receive data (communicate with each other) via the Internet. It's used to make things simpler. Google Maps is a good example of how we use IoT in daily life. Devices collect data on traffic information and other factors, then calculate the quickest route to our destination, which we access via our smartphones.
Another use of IoT is in smart homes. These houses usually have advanced security features such as automatic locking doors, biometrics, and security cameras that send the live feed of what's going on inside the house to the homeowner's phone. IoT also allows them to have luxury features like automatically adjusting air conditioners, lights that turn on once the homeowner gets into a room, and clap to turn off lights for those of us who are too lazy to be asked to turn the light switch off. You might now be asking yourself, "How exactly do these things work?" Stay tuned to Otech to catch the next IoT blog.